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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

haiz finally for so long i have get my mood back to update my god damn dead blog where no one would even visit it.anyway yea i found a work for the holidays..nydc but i wont say de place out at here of course:)anyway its was fun though first time working,had new friends.learned alot alot of things like how to order food,interacting with customers and understand what is call tough when u work.haiz of course i get scolded alot of times but de bosses there treat me quite well.if they were strict my job should be flying away already:(

now start on my life:this holidays i am so dam stress bout two things.my n level and of course..some other thing which could not be said but some of my frens should know:(...anyway ya my n's!freak man its on my birthday!de release of de results!!!i dont know school is giving me a birthday present or a birthday bash:'(i really wanna go sec 5!!i wan....i wan to see you next yr..and ALL MY BROTHERS AND FRIENDS!I CANT BEAR TO LOSE THEM!!haiz but whats de point who asked myself dont wan work harder.now regret too late le ba:(
haiz i have ruined my whole life.a disgrace to my family man.

Blogged @ 12:48 PM
Don't let me go -

Thursday, September 30, 2010

god n level in a weeks time!w8 its shorten then a week!god dam!i think i really cant pass le...worse things in my life are gonna happen after i fail my n levels...hmm anyway yea hope i can control myself of using com...

God dammit i am starting to hate u girls!u one whole fucking group of girls!wat is tat supposed to mean huh?we nt ur fren la isit?we invisible la isit?dun come and fucking tell me "oh i thught u all dun wan" or "i thught u all cant make it" such stupid fuck excuse tyvm.and u aer being dam unfair!left her out?god she is ur fren too bitches!if u noe tat i am talking bout u good but pls dun post de same things on ur blog too.its irritating.u nt happi wit it just talk to me at skool.i am rdy for a quarrel.pls dun ask me its whu.i would tell u if i wan to.anyway i am just gonna ignore tis shyt!and u tis two whore's!especially u two!treat me and my bro tat way agn and i swear i gonna make u two regret.wat my bro do huh?make him so sad!ccb!then wat nw just because of de histories u wanna ignore me?sure thing no prob but dun come and fucking make things hard for other frens.u got a brain pls use it and think bout it!dam failures

anyway today i had a hard time accepting tis god dam thing...it was hard for me to go thru all those things and yet today another came...god pls just make me be stm for my whole life...


Blogged @ 12:03 AM
Don't let me go -

Thursday, September 16, 2010

i will never ever believe in girls anymre...no mre...no one could mend my heart...unless de perfect one appears...but i dun think it would happen...anyway just updating my dead blog...and after tis post i wont be updating le...

i hav nothing to say but gratz to u...tats all i can say...gd bye world..

Blogged @ 7:48 PM
Don't let me go -

Monday, July 26, 2010

haiz finally rmb my dead blog lol!it was like i never came to my blog for almost two mtns...yea but no one would come either so it doesnt chnge much...dam stress bout my n level..i really wish i could get to sec 5 and stay wit my good frens till de secondary skool life ends...it was like a blink of and eye and i am sec 4 alrdy...yea misses her sms..shuld i really giv up?alot of my frens said so..but i really dun wanna..its hard dammit!i hav just gave up on a dam long relationship tat caused me so much pain nw wan me forget another one?so fking hard la!anyway i seriously dunnoe wat to do now...dammit

Blogged @ 7:31 PM
Don't let me go -

Monday, June 14, 2010

finally updating my blog..yea nothing to update so will just talk bout tis few days...kind of shag though kenna scolded dam badly by my father...i dun understand wat he wans...i never revise nor do hw,he scold me.i revise le,he oso scold me.i never revise but i do my hw,he oso scold me.and he doesnt even believe i was doin my work.wtf la!dun believe de hua then why ask if i am doin anot?dun believe ur own son i dun care.anyway i did anything oso cannot pleased him for sure..not like my bro he never revise but do hw,he bo scold him like how he scold me...but i knew tat he was biased frm when i was small..so i dun mind..

and ya had quite a fun day at bugis wit calli,zihui,jac,sj and wei zhi...shall summarise it.went walking wit de two girls.and they intend to take neo prints but I didnt agree cause i didnt wan to..i am sorri to spoil de thing..yea then we went to iluma and plae de arcade.then walk walk le go eat..kind of worth it de jap stall..then zihui and wei zhi went off then de 4 of us went to tamp mall..frm goin to terminal 3 to tamp mall plae arcade..and my $10 just flew off like tis...

yea and wat happened today i think i will nt be talking bout it:Dhad so much fun talking to her and expressing wat i felt..finally..

Blogged @ 12:20 AM
Don't let me go -

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

haiz...no mood for tis whole fking week...why must u ppl do such fking cb things to me?wat i done wrong?i did nothing right.then nid ignore ma..u wan ignore can la tell me onli i sure can ignore de...u ppl are making me pissed off for fk sake..sua la ur problem i dun giv a fk dam anymre...NOT ANYMRE!

Blogged @ 2:03 AM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

nothing to do so just update on wat was today about..yea had form class day today.went to sentosa:Dquite fun and it was a success!reach there arnd 11+..went to siloso beach...put our tings at de pavilion near de beach..then we started to plae games.kind of fun..first was poison ball.wth lo i was de third to kenna caught like so fast...and it was so hot man de sand!so pain la but bo bian must plae else mr zaid scold...must'
nt destroy everyone's mood..then after tat we rested for a while..then 4a3 came.sat beside our class blah..then mr zaid started to plae games tat has something about chemistry!we were like boo boo class outing still chemistry games.but it was okay though...then played soccer inside de pavilion...waited for de tchrs to go at 1 and its was FREEDOM!some went to smoke while me and some of my frenz went dwn to beach de sea:D..was like finally~tchr there:no going to de sea...tchr go off:freedom!!chiong ah!so hot lo de day!and had lots of fun..too much fun caused me tio sunburn wtf!so freaking pain la!bathing onli pain like hell my back!whole back sunburn,half of de body at de front and my face...but it was fun:D

then went to take bus to bedok inter wit de gangster couple(calli and jac) and wen hao..wanted to sleep at de bus but de couple at bus tang qing suo ai no nid sleep liao...totally dio distracted lol!one day man one day calli chua i sure can see ur ez-link card pic man!haha!yea then reach mac and eat my lucnh..was like 6.00 and i then had my lunch but i wasnt hungri at all..yea then went hme..tats al will nt be updating for a long time...


Blogged @ 11:28 PM
Don't let me go -